Please click below
to find out more about me, and the rest of my sites.
Sipan's Gratuation Ceremony
Sipan's Kurdistan Pictures
Sipan & Oana

My flying Pictures
Sipan's life
Sipan's philosophy (Sipanism)
Sipan's Kurdish Page

Below are
some on my favorite Websites.
Apostates of Mohammedanism(Islam)
In The Name of "Allah"
Prophet of Doom (Islam's Terrorist Dogma in Muhammad's own words)
Kurdistan Atheists Association
Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain
Society of West Yorkshire Humanists
Secular Humanism
Mr Pat Condell Website
Karl Marx'Website
Omer Khayyam
Omer Khayyam's Website
Faith Freedom
American Atheists

Kurdistan National Congress
Kurdistan Observer
Kurdistan Wikipedia
Kurdistan' History
Kurdistanica Encyclopedia
Learn Kurdish

Avesta Kurd